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Add Dating Profile

Now that you have signed up for Love Zona account help that special person find you by creating a dating profile. Without a dating profile your information will not appear in the Dating area. You can't find love if love can't find you!

  1. Login into your lovezona account to create a dating profile. Once logged in you will be delivered to your My Account page. On the right you will see your Dating profile status.
  2. If you see a red button you still need to create a dating profile. Click the button to get started.
  3. Complete as much of your dating profile as you can. If you don't complete the dating profile make sure you click Create Profile at the bottom of the page.

When you return to your My Account page your dating profile status will be green. If you would like to edit your dating profile click the button.

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Edit Dating Profile

1. Login into your Love Zona account to edit your dating profile. Once logged in you will be delivered to your My Account page. On the right you will see your Dating profile status.

2. If you see a red button you still need to create a dating profile. If the button is green you are ready to edit your Dating profile. Click the green button.

3. Update as much of your Dating profile as you like. When you are finished click the Update Profile button at the bottom of the page

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Cookie Issues

I believe your login/message issue is related to the cookie setting on your web browser. Try add to your "Trusted" sites. In Internet Explorer, Tools->Internet Options->Security Tab-> Sites

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Hide Profile

Login to your Love Zona account. From your 'My Account' page indicators will show your dating and rating status. To hide your dating or rating profile click indicator and set profile to 'hide'. You will still be able to access your account but your profile will not be visible to the public.

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Image Upload
  Uploaded images are blurry

Images taken with a digital camera will sometimes attach a preview file to the full-size image you are trying to upload. The easiest way to fix this issue is to save your image in the Bitmap (.bmp) format, and then upload the Bitmap to your Love Zona account. Here is how to save an image in the Bitmap (.bmp) format using Internet Explorer.

  1. Open image in Internet Explorer
  2. Right click image and select Save As
  3. In Save as type box select Bitmap (*.bmp)
  4. Click Save
  5. Your new file is now ready to upload
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Close Account

Login to your Love Zona account. From your 'My Account' page indicators will show your dating and rating status. To hide your dating or rating profile click indicator and set profile to 'hide'. You will still be able to access your account but your profile will not be visible to the public.

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