Topography: Horizontal
Author: |
Sumerians/Assyrians (600 BC) |
Summary- |
Originally based on astrological studies, states personality is related to birthday. |
Main Classifications- |
Originally 18 constellations. Currently 12 signs- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces |
Theory of Temperaments
Topography: Horizontal
Author: |
Galen (130-200 AD) |
Summary- |
Four basic temperaments reflecting amounts of bodily fluid. |
Main Classifications- |
Phlegmatic, sluggish type; Choleric, quick-tempered type; Melancholic, dejected type |
Psychoanalytic Theory
Topography: Horizontal
Author: |
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 AD) |
Summary- |
Broke personalities into-id, ego, superego to define a psychosexual developmental model (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital) |
Main Classifications- |
Anal-Expulsive, Anal-Retentive |
Developmental Theory
Topography: Vertical
Author: |
Jean Pieget (1896-1980 AD)
Summary- |
Developed the idea of stages of cognitive development. Focused on children and adolescents. |
Main Classifications- |
Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operations |
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Topography: Horizontal
Author: |
Isabel Briggs Myers (1896-1980 AD)
Summary- |
Based upon Carl Jung's notions of psychological types. Personalities reflect a balance from four scales (1) extraversion/introversion, (2) sensate/intuitive, (3) thinking/feeling, and (4) judging/perceiving. |
Main Classifications- |
16 types based on dominance in each scale. |
Topography: Horizontal
Author: |
George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1872-1949 AD)
Summary- |
Everyone emerges from childhood with one of the nine types dominating their personality. |
Main Classifications- |
Reformer , Helper, Achiever , Individualist, Investigator , Loyalist, Enthusiast, Challenger, Peacemaker |
Topography: Horizontal
Author: |
W.H. Sheldon (1898-1977 AD)
Summary- |
The Somatype Theory draws a connection between body types and personalities. |
Main Classifications- |
Mesomorph, endomorph, ectomorph |
Hierarchy of Needs
Topography: Vertical
Author: |
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970 AD)
Summary- |
Was that some needs take precedence over others. Once lower needs are met attention is shifted to higher needs. |
Main Classifications- |
Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and Belonging needs, Esteem needs, Self-actualization |
Spiral Dynamics
Topography: Vertical
Author: |
Clare Graves (1914-1986 AD)
Summary- |
At each stage of human existence man searches for answers. Every stage he reaches leaves him disconcerted and perplexed. It is simply that as he solves one set of human problems he finds a new set in their place. The quest he finds is never ending. |
Main Classifications- |
Memes (colors attached to his letter combinations -beige through teal) |
Your Zona
Topography: Both Horizontal and Vertical
Author: |
Panspective Inc. (2002 AD)
Summary- |
The Zona Test is the first major profile based on a horizontal and vertical (or 3-dimensional) model. One of a few models build for both personality assessment and matching. |
Main Classifications- |
Zona- Coral, Moon, Pearl, Quartz, Silver, Sun, Topaz, Water and Wind |