| Here are links to some interesting love related articles |
| Married couples outnumbered for first time |
| Research | | source: SeattleTimes.com
Married couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of American households, have finally slipped into a minority
| Scientists say passion ends after a year |
| Research | | source: MSNBC.com
Italian scientists have identified the molecule that triggers emotions that bowl over new lovers. According to researchers, levels of the molecule only remain high for a year.
| Scent-sational sex? |
| Research | | source: MSNBC.com
Researchers are studying a nasal spray to boost female desire
| Creativity linked to active sex lives |
| Research | | source: MSNBC.com
Artists, poets have twice as many sexual partners, researchers find
| Betting on the Studs |
| Trends | | source: MSNBC.com
Madam Heidi Fleiss is backāand building an all-male bordello in the desert. Is even Nevada ready for this?
| Global Sex Survey 2005 |
| Research | | source: durex.com
Durex, the global maker of condoms, presents the world's largest ever survey on sexual attitudes and behaviour. More than 317,000 people from 41 countries took part in the research.
| "Libido Meter" |
| Factoid | | source: nationalgeographic.com
Israeli scientists have developed a test that can objectively determine the level of a person's sexual desire.
| Putting Off Marriage |
| Factoid | | source: MSNBC.com
In 1970, only 6 percent of women 30 to 34 had never been married, the Census Bureau found. The figure was 23 percent in 2003.
| India's Women Adopting Modern Attitude |
| Trends | | source: BusinessWeekOnline.com
Due in part to satellite television attitudes about women's roles in society are changing rapidly. Affuluence, independence, marriage and parental ties are beginning to resemble Western mentalities.
| Dating Pet Peeves |
| Dating | | source: MSNBC.com
Elle/MSNBC.com Sex and Beauty Survey investigates dating turnoffs. Weight, hair, body odor and makeup are just some of the concerns that people have with their partners.
| Dating And Your Car |
| Dating | | source: CNN.com
Survey says cars can play an important role in dating, so keep it clean and don't ask for gas money.